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Belize Valley Archaeological Reconnaissance Project
Architecture in 3D:
Explore BVAR Sites Online

As part of BVAR's efforts to make the heritage of Belize more accessible to Belizean citizens and members of the broader global public, BVAR is developing 3D models of architecture at archaeological sites in western Belize where BVAR has active research projects.
Tia Watkins and colleagues are currently working on 3D models of palace benches, and in some case featuring graffiti and/or patolli boards, from the site of Xunantunich. We anticipate those 3D models to be complete in Fall 2020.
In the meantime, enjoy the following 3D models of various sites where BVAR is currently conducting research.
3D model of Baking Pot's audiencia (Str. B7), developed by Tia Watkins and Adam Jursky.
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